High School Campus
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See which online concurrent enrollment courses are being taught at Utah Tech.

Education Centers
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High School Requirements
The Concurrent Enrollment program is a great way for high school students to earn college/university credits while they are still in high school, and the college/university credits also fulfill high school requirements for graduation. For example, if a student takes ENGL 1010 through Concurrent Enrollment, it will also meet the student’s Junior or Senior English high school requirement.
Concurrent Enrollment Office
Email: concurrent@utahtech.edu
Phone: 435-652-7918
Office: 46 S 1000 E
St. George, UT 84770
Kevin Simmons
Senior Director, Early College Outreach
Email: kevin.simmons@utahtech.edu
Phone: 435-652-7971
Office: North Commons 143
Emma Lunceford
Director, Concurrent Enrollment
Email: emma.lunceford@utahtech.edu
Phone: 435-879-4251
Office: North Commons 136
Jerhett Jerman
Technical Support Manager, Concurrent Enrollment
Email: jerhett.jerman@utahtech.edu
Phone: 435-879-4944
Office: North Commons 104
Stefan Panson
Coordinator, Concurrent Enrollment
Email: stefan.panson@utahtech.edu
Phone: 435-652-7673
Office: North Commons 147
Kristi Charlton
Academic Community Engagement
Administrative Specialist
Email: kristi.charlton@utahtech.edu
Phone: 435-652-7739
Office: North Commons 141