Utah Tech University

Concurrent Enrollment Courses

This is not a complete list of courses, but rather a list of classes held during the times that align with high school schedules. Courses are listed alphabetically by day/time offered. To register for courses, please complete the UT Concurrent Enrollment Campus Course Form or contact the Concurrent Enrollment Office.

Utah Tech Campus Courses

Search for UT concurrent enrollment courses on our main campus, at an education center, or online by specific dates and times.

Registration Tips:

  • Check the CE Master List to ensure the courses you want to register for are approved CE courses at Utah Tech.
  • Complete the UT Concurrent Enrollment Campus Course Form for ALL courses you would like to take and a member of our CE team will register you.
  • Contact our CE office if you need help registering.
    • Before contacting us, make sure you have your Digital ID number and the CRN(s) for the course(s) you would like to take ready.
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CE Master List

Explore the CE Master List for all concurrent enrollment classes offered at Utah Tech.

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Course #

Course Name (GE)

Prereq & Coreqs


Partial Tuition & Fees

UT Catalog

NURS 1005
NURS 1007
Certified Nursing Assistant
CNA Clinical
Must take Both4$20 + $30 Fees
ACCT 2010 Financial AccountingNo3$15
ART 1010Introduction to ArtNo3$15
ART 1110Introduction to ARTNO3$15
ART 2060 Digital Photography3$15
ASL 1010Beginning American Sign Language4$20
ASL 1020Beginning American Sign Language IIASL 10104$20
ASL 2010Intermediate American Sign LanguageASL 10204$20
BTEC 1010Fundamentals of Biotechnology3$20
BIOL 1010General Biology3$15
BIOL 1015General Biology LabCorequisite BIOL 10101$5
BIOL 1200Human Biology3$15
BIOL 1610Principles of Biology4$20
BIOL 1615Principles of Biology LabCorequisite BIOL 16101$5
CHEM 1010Intro to Chemistry3$15
CHEM 1015Intro to Chemistry LabCorequisite CHEM 1010 1$5
CHEM 1110Organic Chemistry3$15
CHEM 1115Organic Chemistry LabCorequisite CHEM 11501$5
CHEM 1150Integrated ChemistryMATH 1010 OR ACT Math placement score. CHEM 1155 corequisite.4$20 + $89 Textbook
CHEM 1155Integrated Chemistry LabCorequisite CHEM 11501$5
CHEM 1210Principles of Chemistry I4$20
CHEM 1215 Principles of Chemistry LabCorequisite CHEM 12101$5
CHIN 1010Beginning Mandarin Chinese I
CHIN 2010Intermediate Mandarine I
COMM 1020Public SpeakingNo3$15
COMM 2110Interpersonal CommunicationNo3$15
CS 1030Problem Solving3$15
CS 1400Fundamentals of Programming3$15 + $20 Fees
CS 1410Object Oriented Programming3$15
DANC 1010Dance !3$15
DES 1100Intro to Digital Design3$15 + $20 Fees
DES 1200Image Making3$15 + $20 Fees
DES 1300Design I3$15 + $20 Fees
DES 1610Screen Printing3$15 + $20 Fees
DES 2100Design Thinking3$15 + $20 Fees
DES 2200Design II3$15
DES 2710Typography I3$15
DES 2780Making and MaterialsDES 1100 or DES 13003$15
EDUC 1010Intro to EducationNo3$15
EDUC 2500Instructional Technology in K-12 ClassroomsNo3$15
ENGL 1010Intro to WritingAccuplacer or ACT Score4$15
ENGL 2010Interm Writing: Selected TopicsENGL 10103$15
ENGL 2200English Literature3$15
ENVS 1010Intro to Environmental ScienceNo3$15
FIN 1750Personal FinanceNo3$15
FSHD 1020Foundations of NutritionNo3$15
FSHD 1500Human Development No3$15
GEOL 1010Intro to GeologyNo3$15
GEOL 1015Intro to Geology LabGEOL 10101$5
HIST 1500World History to 1500No3$15
HIST 1510World History from 1500No3$15
HIST 1700American History Reading placement score 17 or higher, or ENGL 1470.3$15
HIST 2700US History to 1877YES3$15
HLOC 1000Medical TerminologyNo2$10
HOSP 1010Orientation to the Hospitality Industry No3$15
HUM 1010Humanities No3$15
IT 1100Intro to Information Tech. No3$15
IT 1500Cloud FundamentalsNo1$5 + $10 Computer Fee
IT 1200Computer HardwareNo3$15
IT 2400Intro to NetworkingIT 1100 & IT 15003$15
IXD 1200Foundations in Interaction DesignNo3$15
IXD 1300Web for designersNo3$15
IXD 2000 Intro to Tangible InteractionNo3$15
MATH 1010Intermediate AlgebraYES4$20 + $84 Fees & Textbook
MATH 1030Quantitative ReasoningYES3$15 + $84 Fees & Textbooks
MATH 1040Intro to StatisticsYES3$15 + $84 Fees & Textbooks
MATH 1050College Algebra / Pre-Calculus (MA) Math Score4$20 + $84 Fees & Textbook
MATH 1060Trigonometry (MA) Math Score3$15 + $84 Fees & Textbook
MATH 1210Calculus I (MA) Math Score4$20 + $84 Fees & Textbook
MATH 1220Calculus IIMATH 12104$20 + $84 Fees & Textbook
MATH 2210Multivariable CalculusMATH 12204$20 + $84 Fees & Textbook
MDIA 1380Intro to Video ProductionCorequisite MDIA 13852$10
MDIA 1385Intro to Video Production LabCorequisite MDIA 13801$5
MECH 1000Intro to Design & Rapid Prototyping Mechanical EngineeringCorequisite MECH 10053$15 + $150 Fees
MECH 1005Intro to Design & Rapid Prototyping Mechanical Engineering LABCorequisite MECH 10000$0
MGMT 2600EntrepreneurshipNo3$15
MGMT 2640Small Business ManegementNo3$15
MUSC 1010Intro to MusicNo3$15
PHIL 1120Social EthicsNo3$15
PHYS 1010Elementary PhysicsYES3$15
PHYS 1015Elementary Physics LabCorequisite PHYS 10101$5
PHYS 1040AstronomyCorequisite PHYS 10453$15
PHYS 1045Astronomy LabCorequisite PHYS 10401$5
PHYS 2010College PhysicsYes3$15
PHYS 2015College Physics LabCorequisite PHYS 20101$5
POLS 1100American Government Reading placement score 17 or higher, or ENGL 1470.3$15
PSY 1010General PsychologyNo3$15
PSY 1100Human Development through a LifespanNo3$15
SOC 1010Intro to SociologyNo3$15 + $39.95 Textbook
SPAN 1010Beginning SpanishNo4$20
SPAN 1020Beginning Spanish IISPAN 10104$20
SPAN 2010Intermediate Spanish ISPAN 10204$20
SPAN 2020Intermediate Spanish IISPAN 20104$20
THEA 1013Intro to TheaterNo3$15

Interactive Video Conferencing (IVC)

Interactive Video Conferencing (IVC) is a live, two-way broadcasted class.

Students living in the St. George area can register for CE courses on their high school campus and Utah Online through their MyUT account. Please contact the Concurrent Enrollment office for courses held on Utah Tech’s main campus, at an education center, or online. Registration begins April 1st for Fall 2024.


Physical Address:

Utah Tech North Commons Bldg.
46 South 1000 East
St. George, UT 84770
Office Phone: (435) 652-7918
E-mail: concurrent@utahtech.edu

Mailing Address:

Utah Tech University
Concurrent Enrollment
225 South University Ave.
St. George, UT 84770