Concurrent Enrollment

Courses at your High School

Lookup Classes

In just a few easy steps, you’ll be able to see what classes are available to you at your specific high school.

Step 1

Log into your MyUT account using your Digital ID number and password.


Step 2

Select the current term and then select your campus (Options for high school location or online).

Step 3

Now view the list of courses available to you (write down the CRN # for each class you want to take).

Get Registered

After looking at the available classes, now you’re ready to register for any of these classes that you want to take. No need to run, you can register for all of these classes from the same portal page.

Step 1

Stay in the MyUT banner portal. Go to Banner Self Service banner page.

Step 2

Click Register for Classes banner page.

Step 3

Select the same term you used when looking-up classes previously.

Step 4

Enter the CRN # from the previous Lookup Classes page

Refer to step 3 of “LookUp Classes” steps

Step 5

Click Add to Summary

Step 6

Click Submit (located in the bottom right-hand corner)

A successful registration will appear green

ERRORS Encountered

If you DO NOT see a successful registration message, you may have encountered one of the following errors.

Student Requires Readmission

Students are required to complete the state concurrent enrollment application every school year. If you have not completed the application for this school year, please do so. Once submitted, the application takes 24-48 hours to process, after which you will be able to register for your class. If the problem persists after 48 hours, please reach out to our office.

Student Status Prohibits Registration 

Concurrent enrollment students cannot register themselves for traditional classes on Utah Tech Campus. If a student would like to register for a course on UT campus or online through UT, they will need to reach out to the Concurrent Enrollment Office for assistance.


Some concurrent enrollment courses have a perquisite that students must fulfill prior to being able to enroll. Generally, this is either an ACT score or another class. For students needing an English or History perquisite, the Accuplacer Writing Test can be used in place of an ACT score; for students needing a Political Science perquisite, the Accuplacer Reading Test can be used. Students needing a math score for either a math or chemistry class can take the ALEKS exam. All of these tests can be scheduled through the Testing Center.


Students are required to pay their concurrent enrollment tuition during the first few weeks of each semester. For students who do not pay their outstanding tuition, a financial hold is placed on their account until they have paid any outstanding balance. Instructions for paying tuition can be found online.