CE Courses
Online or Virtual
Course # | Course Name | Pre/Co-Req | Credits | Tuition | Fees |
ACCT 2010 | Financial Accounting | --- | 3 | $15 | --- |
ART 1010 | Introduction to Art | --- | 3 | $15 | $10 Fee |
ART 1110 | Drawing & Composition | --- | 3 | $15 | $50 Fee |
ART 2060 | Digital Photography | --- | 3 | $15 | $50 Fee |
BIOL 1010 | General Biology | Lab Recommended | 3 | $15 | $38 Textbook |
BIOL 1015 | General Biology Lab | --- | 1 | $5 | $75 Lab Fee |
BIOL 1200 | Human Biology | --- | 3 | $15 | $84 Textbook |
BIOL 1610 | Principles of Biology I | Corequisite | 3 | $15 | |
CHEM 1010 | Intro to Chemistry | Lab Recommended | 3 | $15 | -- |
COMM 1020 | Public Speaking | --- | 3 | $15 | $62 Textbook |
COMM 2110 | Interpersonal Communications | --- | 3 | $15 | $76 Textbook |
CS 1400 | Object Oriented Programming | Prerequisite | 3 | $15 | $20 Lab Fee |
DANC 1010 | Dance in Culture | --- | 3 | $15 | --- |
DES 1100 | Intro to Digital Design | --- | 3 | $15 | $60 Lab Fee + $10 Fee |
EDUC 2500 | Instructional Technology in K-12 Classrooms | -- | 3 | $15 | -- |
ENGL 1010 | Introduction to Writing | Prerequisite | 3 | $15 | --- |
ENGL 2010 | Intermediate Writing: Selected Topics | Prerequisite | 3 | $15 | --- |
ENGL 2200 | Introduction to Literature | --- | 3 | $15 | --- |
FIN 1750 | Personal Finance | --- | 3 | $15 | --- |
FSHD 1020 | Scientific Foundations of Nutrition | --- | 3 | $15 | $99 Textbook + $25 Fee |
FSHD 1500 | Human Development Across the Lifespan | --- | 3 | $15 | $62 Textbook |
GEO 1010 | Introduction to Geology | Corequisite | 3 | $15 | $25 Geology Fee |
HIST 1700 | American Civilization | Prerequisite | 3 | $15 | --- |
HLOC 1000 | Medical Terminology | --- | 2 | $10 | --- |
IT 1100 | Introduction to Unix/Linux | --- | 3 | $15 | $20 Computer Fee |
IT 1500 | Cloud Fundamentals | -- | 1 | $5 | $10 Computer Fee |
MATH 1010 | Intermediate Algebra | Prerequisite | 4 | $20 | $35 Math Fee |
MATH 1030 | Quantitative Reasoning, Intermediate Algebra | Prerequisite | 3 | $15 | $25 Math Fee |
MATH 1050 | College Algebra/Pre-Calculus | Prerequisite | 4 | $20 | $25 Math Fee |
MATH 1060 | Trigonometry | Prerequisite | 3 | $15 | $25 Math Fee |
MATH 1100 | Business Calculus | Prerequisite | 3 | $15 | $25 Math Fee |
MGMT 2600 | Entrepreneurship 1 | --- | 3 | $15 | --- |
MUSC 1010 | Introduction to Music | --- | 3 | $15 | $58 Textbook |
POLS 1100 | American Government | Prerequisite | 3 | $15 | Fee Varies |
PSY 1010 | General Psychology | --- | 3 | $15 | --- |
SE 1400 | Web Design I: Fundamentals | --- | 3 | $15 | $20 Lab Fee |
SOC 1010 | Introduction to Sociology | --- | 3 | $15 | $42 Textbook |
THEA 1013 | Introduction to Theatre | --- | 3 | $15 | --- |